3 Facts:
-Good art sparks a lot of controversy when released to the public.
- " David Alfaro Siqueiros' mural in downtown L.A. was whitewashed soon after it was finished in 1932 because it offended authorities with its depiction of a crucified Indian peasant with an image of an eagle above his head as a symbol of American imperialism." - Which is interesting because the author might not have had that idea in mind when he was making it.
- The author believes that America is becoming so sensitive and wimpy, that people in America are not going to be able to express themselves freely without having to worry about a lawsuit or being verbally abused.
2 Questions:
- If art is a freedom then why are people penalized for it?
- Who can distinguish what an artist really means when they are painting something?
1 Supported Opinion:
-http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2008/aug/26/art.olympics2012 ; Where is the line drawn between too far and not good enough? I feel as though this artist went a little bit too far with his art. He made a girls face that was kidnapped out of other younger girls hand prints, which offended a number of people. Although, they are taking measures to remove it, should he be prosecuted? I don't believe so- I think he was trying to convey a point to his viewers, but he might have taken it a step too far.
I did not find the vocab for this section, particularly hard.
3 Facts
- Seiji Ozawa was the artistic director for the Saito Kinen Orchestra but because of his health conditions was only able to conduct his major work in the second half of each session.
- Mr. Ozawa has been conducting music for more than four decades.
- Mr. Ozanwa helped found the Saito Kinen Orchestra in 1984 to honor the memory of Hideo Saito, his mentor, the violinist and conductor.
2 Questions
- What influenced Seiji Ozawa to pursue a life in the field of music?
- What does he hope to continue doing after he stops conducting?
1 Supported Opinion
http://abcnews.go.com/The above site talks about Seiji Ozawa being diagnosed with cancer and canceling many of his performances.
New Vocab:
elegiac- expressing sorrow or lamentation
3 Facts
- Emil Gataullin was the photographer who uses his photos to learn more about his country, its people and himself.
- He has been documenting rural providence's in Russia where he spent his summers.
- Over the past five years he has followed numerous Russians to the counties most sacred religious shrines.
2 Questions
- What influenced his decision to start photography?
- What does he hope is end result will show him?
1 Supported Opinion
http://translate.google.com/This is Emil Gataullin's Personal Blog that has been translated from Russian to English with other photographs of his in more rural providences.
New Vocab:
pilgrimage- a journey or long search made for exalted or sentimental reasons
3 Facts
-Hedy was very famous for her beautiful looks, but behind the scenes she was a very interesting woman.
- She was a German speaking Jewish woman, who was a celebrity in Europe before she managed to come to California.
- One of the neat things about her, is that she wasn't just a typical celebrity when she came to America because she only brought a knapsack with about 80 dollars to her name, and she was ready to start.
2 Questions
- Why did she want to come to America to act?
- How many movies did she appear in before she reached America?
1 Supported Opinion
http://www.hedylamarr.com/ ; that is her official fan page. There you can read more ab out her life and even buy prints of hers. She has made an everlasting impact in America, that we will always remember her name.New Vocab:
cinematographer: A movie photographer, especially one who is in charge of shooting a movie.
3 Facts
-It was a bunch of pictures taken from a journalist in Afghanistan that was seriously injured by an explosion.
- This particular explosion left him without two of his legs and with serious internal injuries.
- A lady that was working with him, did not follow him over the hill- and she then saw the explosion and she called for help. He was able to take three more shots on his camera before he was too weak to hold it.
2 Questions
- What specifically was he trying to photograph?
- Is the amount of injuries of photographers necessary to the documentation of the wars?
1 Supported Opinion
http://joaosilva.photoshelter.com/ ;
They started this blog to help raise money for him and his rehabilitation. This is going to be a long hall for him, but he is very lucky to have survived the blast with only the few injuries.New Vocab:
The vocabulary was not particularly challenging, as I found the words were clear and concise of trying to get the message across.
3 Facts
- Peter Hofmann sang opera, in musicals and surprisingly enough even rock-n-roll which made him impressive because he had a voice that could sing it all.
- He passed away from pneumonia at the young age of 66, this past Tuesday, November 30th.
- Hofmann was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and soon after retired in 1999.
2 Questions
- What inspired him to start singing Opera and studying classical music as opposed to Rock?
- How did he become famous?
1 Supported Opinion
http://www.tributes.com/show/Peter-Hofmann-89885396 ; this talked about how he bridged the gap between the entertainment business and also the performing classical business. He was more than just one genre of music.
New Vocab:
Parkinson's Disease: A progressive nervous disease occurring most often after the age of 50, associated with the destruction of brain cells.
3 Facts
- Felicity Nove painted two portraits that are analyzed in the following paragraphs.
- It was said that her work was made to express the feeling of chaos which is made by splattered and tattered images with various color schemes.
- Then the last paragraph discusses how she has something pulling each one together to bring a snese of fulfillment after looking at her paintings.
2 Questions
- What inspired her to paint that?
- What other types of media does she use?
1 Supported Opinion
- http://www.artslant.com/ny/artists/show/26733-felicity-nove ; this shows that she uses the media to try and portray a specific feelings or emotions. She enjoys the poured paint look, because that is her little trademark. She feels as though it just flows naturally. She tries to keep the paintings refreshing and clear.
New Vocab:
Gestural - A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech.
Aesthetic - A branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty
Cataclysmic - A violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental change
Skirmishes - An episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, esp. between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.
Disparate -Essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison.
3 Facts
- Wu Man came into America to produce music on the rare instrument known as the Pipa.
- She started as a nobody who did not speak any English and worked her way up to make a CD of her playing this exquisite music.
- Ms. Wu can play a variety of different styles and genres of music with her uncommon instrument.
2 Questions
- How did Ms. Wu learn English?
- Who taught Ms. Wu how to play the Pipa?
1 Supported Opinion
http://www.philmultic.com/pipa.html ; This particular article shows how old the instrument is. An instrument being this old- can be hard to teach yourself how to play which shows how impressive Ms. Wu is.
New Vocab:
Ethnomusicologists - a branch of musicology defined as "the study of social and cultural aspects of music and dance in local and global contexts.
Deciphered -
1. Convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language.
2. Succeed in understanding, interpreting, or identifying (something).
Pipa - is a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument.
Soloists - a person playing music or singing alone
Boisterous - Noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy
Panoply - Ceremonial attire
Enliven - To make lively or spirited.
3 Facts
- Andre and the author have been going to Haiti for months now to report the HIV/A.I.D.’s problem.
- They met many people, and interviewed them and asked them what they were planning on doing with their futures and many of them were unable to answer.
- They made people feel comfortable around them so that they could record what they were saying, which got them many firsthand accounts of what was going on with the aftermath of the earthquake on top of the HIV epidemic.
2 Questions
- What were some of the techniques they used to make people more comfortable talking to them?
- What were their reasons for wanting to become more personal with the author as opposed to ‘detached’ as they describe it?
1 Supported Opinion
- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31755066/ns/health-aids ; This shows that the epidemic is slowly getting better and that people are not as hopeless as the article makes them out to be. There is hope for the community of Haiti. Just by reading that one young lady’s story, you can see that even someone that is going through it can be hopeful.
New Vocab:
Sensationalize-Present information about (something) in a way that provokes public interest and excitement, at the expense of accuracy.
Voodoo priest- is a type of practitioner of traditional healing arts.
Serovie- a grass-roots organization that provides for the gay and lesbian population.
Camaraderie- Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
( History, Politics, & Current Events)
2.) http://www.nytimes.com/pages/arts/music/index.html
(Sports, Entertainment, & Leisure)
3.) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/18/robert-de-niro-honors-fat_n_785727.html
(Arts and Academia)