IR Blog Post #11 – New York Times- Music 4

3 Facts:
- Billy Taylor a prominent Jazz Musician died of heart failure at the age of 89.
- He started an orgainization in 1965 called Jazzmobile to bring free
outdoor concerts to street corners.
-He had formed his own Jazz trio in 1951 and had began to play at many
popular clubs.

2 Questions:
- What made him want to start Jazz?
- How was Billy Taylor able to make the switch from playing in clubs
to radio and television?

1 Supported Opinion:

The article talks more about the life of Billy Taylor and his musical career.


-Eloquently: expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
-Inarticulate: without or deprived of the use of speech


melanie knott said...

I have never personaly head of Bill Taylor, but I feel that any death of a true jazz musician is a sad loss. Today it is hard to find people who appreciate the sound of jazz and blues compared to the popular rap and pop music. I am even more amazed to learn that he started the JazzMobile to give free concerts on the corners. This to me shows a true passion for the arts when you feel the need to share it with the world with no cost. It is sad a man like this died.

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