(In this particular picture, you can see Odysseus really stepping up to the plate and protecting his family. You can see Telemachus really hiding in the other room, while his father fights the suitors. )
During this particular section of the novel, Telemachus and Odysseus's relationship really starts to progress and work together. Interestingly enough, they do not do more than work together with their arms, but you can definitely see the bonding throughout this section. The symbol of hiding is shown again in this section, because Odysseus's doesn't want his being home to get back to Penelope. The whole time they are back together at home, they are trying o figure out how to kill the suitors. Ironically throughout this, the suitors are trying to figure out how to kill Telemachus. Penelope does have a breakdown where she is so distraught of her husband not being home, that Zeus needs to get involved. He sends down a huge clap of thunder to try and restore any peace that can be made back to them.
Why doesn't he want Penelope to know of his presence? That seems strange. Also, why would they need to kill the suitors? What is their significance in the section?
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