Along his travels, he meets up with Eumaeus, whom gives him some pork and other foods. Homer goes into great detail describing the place that he meets with Eumaeus. I believe that the hut that he describes symbolizes a sort of hope for Odysseus that he will return home to his family eventually. Hope was something that Odysseus carried with him throughout the whole novel, and it really showed through here at the hut. Without the hope of being able to eventually make it through, he would never have been able to survive such trivial and vigorous activities. I think this really connects to The Motorcycle Diaries, because Ernesto really had a sense of needing other people to survive, where as Odysseus did not need someone to survive but it was nice having that short comfort. Telemachus was eventually brought back up and Athena convinced him to return home from the area before a man took his mother’s hand in marriage. Telemachus then gets news that his father is in Eumaeus’s hut. When he arrives there, he realizes that he is not because Athena changes Odysseus to someone else. After Eumaeus goes to Penelope to tell her that her son is home, Odysseus turns back into himself and they embrace each other
Can you tell me who made the painting?
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